Climbing School of the Castle


The Climbing School stands as a candidate for the "TOURISM PRIZE"

The Climbing School of the Castle stands as a candidate for the TOURISM PRIZE – To Valorise the Public Spaces. This competition is an initiative of the Institute for Tourism in Portugal (ITP), which purpose is to distinguish the best interventions in public spaces, that contributes for the reinforcement and the increase of the national touristic activity.
The INCENTIVOS OUTDOOR pretends, with this candidature, to make the Vila Velha de Ródão’s region known as the ideal place to practice the Nature and Active Tourism activities.


Climbing School's Brochure

The Climbing School has a new brochure where you can find all the information about how to find the place, the climbing ways and other useful matters.
You can ask this kind of information at the Tourism Bureau in the Town-Hall of Vila Velha de Ródão, in our blog, or in others Tourism Bureaus at the Geopark Naturtejo's region.
All the information is in Portuguese, Spanish and English languages.


Maintenance to be safe

The Climbing School has permanent maintenance, to guarantee the safety of the users and the space.
Every week the team of the Climbing school checks all the ways, to keep it in through repair.

Climbing School Of the Castle

The Climbing School of the Castle was created in association with private/public, between Incentivos Outdoor and The Town-Hall of Vila Velha de Ródão. We have 12 ways available for climbing, with all the equipment.
This area is inside the quartzitic zone of the Castle, in Vila Velha de Ródão. This is a wonderful place to practice it, because it has a temperate climate, an amazing natural landscape and it’s near by the classified Natural Monument of Portas de Ródão, where you can find the biggest colony of vultures in Portugal.
Because it’s very close to the space of the nidification, we advise you to not use others places for practice climbing, unless the one already equipped.
This is the second Climbing School in the region of Geopark Naturtejo. It makes this region a reference for the active and nature tourism. To consult the map of climbing ways, please visit the site of CMVVR.
Technical Characteristics of the Ways
Very hard “Quartzits”

Type of Climbing
Technically the Climbing School has 12 ways equipped with hangerstainless and top's, with 10 and 20 mts height. It has, too, 2 ways for classic climbing. For this situation we advise the use of little friends till number 2. There are some technical ways of plaque with little regletes.
We have ways since III + a 6B.

Framing of the Ways
Orientation to the East. We advise to climb at the afternoon, during summer. All rest of the year you can use it the all day.

Local Access
The access to the place is very easy, because it’s close by the road that goes to the Castle of Wamba King.
You need to come to Vila Velha de Ródão by the A23 road and you need to follow to the bridge over the Tagus river. Than follow the road to the Castle. The place is signed.

Using the space
The use of this space is free of charges. However, we advise you to take previously some information at the Tourism Bureau, to plan some activity and to know the safety questions. The use of the space should be done only for people who has appropriate experience, or with help of experimented techniques.